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I ♥ Much Love: Interview to Anna Paramita

The cutest thing about Anna is how creative she can be in every single entry she writes; when you come around her blog, Much Love, the first word that comes to your head is an inspiration. Creativity, fashion, photography or vintage, Anna's entries are always looking for something that can make our brain work inside creativity oceans. And that's how I met her little box of secrets, searching for some inspiration, searching for the originality inside our lives.

Another thing I really admire about Anna is that she always shows that the simple things are what makes us happier, and our lives filled with beauty; we don't need such expensive things for being happy, imagination can take us wherever we want so, why waste it?

Normally, Anna doesn't post pictures about herself; so the mystery around herself is a little bit more interesting.

Q: Thank you so much for helping me dong this interview, Anna! So, first of all, could you please tell us who you are and a brief description of you?
A: Well, my name is Anna. I'm an Indonesian but have been living in Australia for about 8 years. I'm 26 years old.

Q: What do you do? What do you like to dedicate?
A: My most recent professional work was as a multimedia/graphic designer. I have also been running my Etsy shop (muchlove.etsy.com) as a tiny side business for the past 3 years.

Q: Can you talk a little about your interests?
A: I have always loved all things creative. I like to try a bit of everything. Since I was little, I loved to draw. Also, apart from the jewellery making, I do for my shop, I've been getting into photography a lot lately.

Q: Now, a question that everybody says that it's really difficult... Tell us a book, an album and a movie without which you could not live.
Q: Oh this is a hard one. Book: any classic Peanuts comic books. Movie: Amelie. I can't think of an album though (sorry!)

Q: Would you share with us a memory that makes you smile?
I have vivid memories of when I was little, every Sunday, sitting in the back seat of my parent's car, my mum and dad in the front, on the way home from the market, munching on crispy spring rolls, whilst listening to my dad's old Bee Gees cassette tapes. It was a very
comforting feeling.

Q: Any favourite quote?
A: “I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls” (Audrey Hepburn)

Q: At what age did your get interested in the fashion world?
A: It wasn't until my late teens/ early 20s that I actually started paying attention to fashion. That seems so late, doesn't it?

Q: Could you explain us a bit what has been the evolution of your image?
A: When I was young, I didn't really care about fashion. I only dressed in whatever was comfortable – which would be t-shirts and jeans. I think once I left home and went to University, I started exploring what was “fashionable” and enjoyed shopping at fashion chain stores. After a while, I started to realize what I really like instead of following the latest trends. Nowadays I buy most of my clothes from thrift shops and vintage stores, keeping in mind what suits my personal style.

Q: How would you describe your actual style?
A: Feminine, vintage, sweet, and a little quirky.

Q: You've got a section in your blog about vintage; what's the most special thing about vintage for you?
A: I think there's a certain charm about all things vintage (including the fashion) that is so wonderful and timeless.

Q: And about the editorials? Any favourite one?
A: Probably vintage Vogue editorials are some of the best ones out there.

Q: Have you got any special obsession (like shoes, bows, skirts...)?
A: Lately I'm loving lots of lace and florals.

Q: When and why did you decide to start writing a blog?
A: I started the blog around 3 years ago, after I opened my Etsy shop. At the time, I did it because every Etsy seller had a blog so it just seemed like the right thing to do! But after a while, it became less about my shop, and more about my personal interests, especially
fashion and photography.

Q: What do you want to express with your blog? Do you think it adds anything to the people who read it?
A: It's a very visual blog, with lots of images but only a little writing. I only post things that I myself love, but I also hope that my readers would love it too.

Q: As you may know, you're such a great inspiration for people all around the world with those romantic and inspirational entries; what do you feel when someone says you are his/her inspiration? What would you say to those people?
A: I would say THANK YOU!!! I still find it really unbelievable that so many people read my blog and are even inspired by it. That makes me really really happy, and it makes it all worthwhile. There are some comments that are so sweet that it can completely make my day.

Q: What do you think about the actual Bloggers' world? Do you think they've got some influence into the fashion world? In which way do you think they make the fashion world evolve?
A: I think the bloggers' world is growing so much and so fast in these past couple of years! People nowadays don't just seek fashion news/advice from magazines, but now they're also looking at their favourite bloggers too. Fashion labels recognize blogs as a new medium for them to promote themselves, and fashion enthusiasts see blogs are a new place to seek out new looks and trends. So I definitely think a lot of fashion bloggers are becoming increasingly influential.

Q: Have you had some experience with any fashion or beauty brand for being a blogger, just to promote them? Which ones? How it was?
A: No, I haven't.

Q: In the USA is very common asking for a sponsor; something that in Europe people don't usually do (we expect the brands to come to us). Can you please explain us a little bit more about this? Which one was your first sponsor? Have you got a favourite one?
A: I'm not in the USA or Europe, so I'm not sure what the difference is. Personally, I make sure the sponsors on my blog are those that suit my own interest. So most of them are small online businesses that are related to vintage fashion, photography, and crafts. I think it's fine to ask for a sponsor if you like their work, and not just doing it to get paid. I think one of my very first sponsors was Susannah Tucker photography. She is still one of my most loyal sponsors to this day.

Q: Which ones are your top 5 bloggers of the moment and why?
Pugly Pixel – lots of lovely images and a great resource for free clip arts and design tips
Little Reminders of Love – this blog always makes me smile!
Here Comes The Sun – for neverending dreamy photography inspiration
Thrift Candy – wonderful thrift outfits, with snippets of her sweet family life too.
Lisa's Likes – great fashion outfits and some photography too.

Q: And finally (but not less important), tell us a tip for your readers (a tip for their lives, for the fashion bloggers' world or whatever you want to say to them.
A: For bloggers, always post what you love! 

Thank you so much, Anna!! This was really charming and I hope that everybody enjoyed the interview...

So... did you know about Much Love? What's your opinion?

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