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Dance/Electronic Musician "Freibotiar"

Freiboitar is a groovy far out DJ/Producer/Muscian hailing from Cologne Germany, with roots in technocity Berlin. Originally he played classical piano but soon after he ventured into
Indie/rock sonics joining a Cologne-based band the synthesizer rock n roller.

As touring with the group went on his interest fell more intense into thee House musique scene. His funky beats are now heavily dance/electronic vibed. Freibotiar has summed himself up impeccably best on his official site. Now whether it was actually he himself that penned the introduction letter or a member of his team, it's quite thee intriguing and enigmatic introduction indeed.

Read the following open letter excerpt below:


A word or a name that is associated both with our lawless ancestors who sailed the high seas looking for plunder and the history of dance music with its pirate radio, bootleg records, (air) waves and hands-on decks………

Kind of strange really?

Maybe to most people, but not to Nils Laga a classically trained pianist from Cologne.
Nils clearly sees the connection.

He fell in love with electronic music while he was playing in an indie band. He quickly scuttled his rock career and has been sailing under the Freiboitar flag ever since, determined to conquer the wild seas of dance music and take home the biggest prizes!

Influenced by disco & funk and big driving House music beats, the Cologne DJ Producer is already making waves with his releases on Indiana Tones, No Brainer, Exploited and Mother Recordings.

His latest track ‘Back Jack’ an inspired re-imagination of Steely Dan’s classic ‘Do It Again’ ,was immediately signed up by the hit-making UK major label 3 Beat / Universal and will be setting sail at in September." - About Freibotiar

Without further ado get into the groove all you honey rockers and hit play on thee ItsNotYouItsMe hit parade with the stellar tune, "Back Jack"!

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