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Diddy To Launch Music-Themed Cable Network

TAKE THAT...TAKE THAT!! Is there any avenue Diddy won’t take? Music. Clothing. Broadway. Fragrances. Liquor. And now, a cable network.  Word on the curb is that 42 year old music mogul Sean Diddy Combs is working on a music-themed cable network called Revolt to be launched by the end of the year (12/12/12).
According to Broadcast & Cable, Revolt is described as a “music and music news channel with an urban skew.” Sources say the aim is to create a network reminiscent of the old MTV, but for the African-American audience.
As a part of its commitment to the FCC to launch minority-owned networks, Comcast will provide distribution. It is also reported Time Warner Cable will be involved with the Revolt distribution as well.
Diddy told AdWeek in December:  
“[...] Twelve months ago, I basically relocated to L.A. I still live in New York, but I’m bi-coastal. I have some major announcements at the top of the year on things I’m producing—an announcement that’s bigger than anyone can realize on something I’m acquiring. And also, films that I’m starring in. I’m looking forward to 2012; it’s a huge transition for me out of music onto the big screen and continuing my legacy as a producer. You know, I’m one of the most successful African-American television executive producers in history. I’ve had six shows on the air at one time. I don’t say that in a braggadocio way. But you should definitely remember this conversation and look back at it and say, ‘I remember he told me he was going to make some huge announcements.’”
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