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"There is an element of seduction in shoes that doesn't exist for men, think about Marlene Dietrich crossing her legs - the whole attitude. The language starts with the shoe and radiates over the whole body. A woman can be sexy, charming, witty or shy with her shoes. Shoes for men are about elegance or wealth; they are not playing with the inner character.

"That's why women are happy to wear painful shoes. For some a little discomfort is balanced by something else, which has to do with desire. You feel yourself, empower yourself, know yourself. You are aware of your body. This little act of discomfort pays off in lots of other ways."

- Mr Louboutin clears up why we women folk wear high heels...to be fair, anyone who has ever walked over a man in high heels knows they bring the seduction....they also bring on a trip to the ER...just saying...

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