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Retail can be odd.....

Retail is an odd place to work. I've said this for years. Some of the things your employers think as completely normal - are borderline insane. However, I have never worked for a place which has issued guidebooks on street slang.  Just incase someone asks you for a 'dope' dress or tells you the shop is 'off the hook'.....
Apparently Express (nope, no idea either) in America felt that back in the 90s, staff were being exposed to language they might not understand and issued this : A guide to 90s street slang.
Have a look :

Ahite. (adj.): okay, acceptable.
B. (noun): a person.
Bomb. (adj.): great, phat
Crab. (noun.): 1) Somebody you don't like. 2) Disrespect to a Crip.
Dope. (adj.): the best.
Feel me. (fig. spch.): understand, relate.
Hoodrat. (noun): somebody always in the hood.
Jigga (noun): police, the man, 5-0
Keeping it on the L. (v/adj.): keep it to yourself
Narc. (noun): someone who tells on you
Off the hook. (fig. such.): 1) good 2.) bad
Piece. (noun): gun.
Thug. (noun): a gangster
Trick no good. (fig such.): describes someone or something you don't like.
Up in this piece. (noun.): place, where we're at.
Wassup: (fig. spch.): hi, what's up.

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