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Sunset Gradient

Hello lovelies!

I felt like doing a three-toned holo gradient with sunset shades would impress someone I needed to impress, so I did one...

I used Celestial Cosmetics "Trip", Joss "Alternate Dimension" and LynBDesigns "Oy with the Poodles Already!" for my gradient. I then stamped a abstract floral design with BP-L043 and BPS black stamping polish. I sealed it in with SV. 

Well it worked! Within 10 seconds he had grabbed my hands. Now although I'm not going to pursue this any further (already tried once, didn't work), it felt good. It gave my self-esteem a boost, because now I know he likes me and that's enough. These things don't happen all that often anymore!

So what do you think? 

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