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Born Pretty Store

Chameleon Dip Powder 

Why is it so typical that when I have a super busy week planned I'm not well! Plus today it's my son's 21st birthday today, and in full of cold and can't stop shivering 🤧 and sneezing.
Anyway struggling on, I'm glad I did this review last week ready for today.
Have you seen the new Chameleon Dip Powder from Born Pretty Store? There are 8 different colours to choose from and I have 2. The first I've tried today in two completely different ways. BP CDP01 Shore of Seine is a gorgeous purple chameleon. 
So first of all, on a tip I used this as a dipping powder, which is what it is anyway! My photos aren't the best, but you can see the awesome colour shift.

Then on my nails I tried this as a pigment. I used my tacky base coat and already has my nails painted with a black base.

Just look how awesome this looks! If you like  nail pigments, but not dip powder, still go and get this as you get loads in each pot! If you love dip powder as I do, then still get this as you have the best of both worlds! Check out my video below to see me dip the tip and use as a pigment.

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Stay safe and much love....

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