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Right on the Nail ~ OPI 2015 Spring Hawaii Collection Swatch and Reviews: Hello Hawaii Ya? and Is Mai Tai Crooked?

Hi everyone! Will you be getting any snow or ice from snow storm Thor? It's so fitting that Chris Hemsworth is going to be the host of Saturday Night Live this weekend! Tonight I have a couple more Hawaii Collection swatches for you. Enjoy!

OPI Hello Hawaii Ya? (2 coats)

Hello Hawaii Ya? (ugh, the names!) is a dusty light purple creme. I just love dusty cremes for springtime...or basically any time. I had no issues with the formula or application in 2 easy coats. 

 OPI Is Mai Tai Crooked (2 coats) 

Is Mai Tai Crooked? (again, the names!) is a light orange creme. This reminds me a bit of sherbet. Just me? As you can see, it dries slightly darker than the bottle. The first coat was slightly streaky, but was perfect in 2.

You can find OPI polishes at stores such as Ulta and Sally's Beauty Supply for $9.49 (or $8.79 for Beauty Club Members).

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