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А Surprise Christmas gift from Star Nails Bulgaria

The Christmas is right behind the door and I recieved a surprising gift from Star Nails Bulgaria.

They decided to make a surprise to all the bulgarian bloggers that supported their causes through the year. And that`s why I receved a giftpack with theese things inside:
-Almond protective cream;

- Detelina nail polish; 

- 'Gaio' chocolate- made by hand with a great cause;

-giftcard with Christmas wishes.

The thing that impressed me most was the great cause behind the sweet chocolate.
As you can see, the cover of the chocolate is painted by hand. And this hand is a hand of a child without familly. All the chocolates are with different painting and everyone is made with so much efforts and wish. Theese children have no parents, no family, so they won`t be able to see Santa or to recieve christmas gifts. Theese children live in an orphanage and 'Gaio' chocolates give part of the money they`ll get for the chocolates to theese children.
So whoever painted my chocolate cover- thank you, child! I know you won`t see my words but I wish you from the bottom of my heart to have a warm and happy Christmas!

Thank you Star Nails Bulgaria for the yet another great cause you`ve supported before this year is gone. The cause that I`ll support again with all my heart because it`s a cause of humanity!
Merry Christmas to all of you!

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