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Back to School ♥

We are leaving for our Disney vacation one week from today! (yippeeeee!!!!!!!!) When we get home John will only have 5 days left of summer before school starts.  Hopefully that will be enough time for him to recuperate because I'm sure our week will be busy.  Anyway, before we leave I wanted to make sure I have everything ready for back to school so I won't be scrambling at the last minute.  I printed off the "supply" list from the school website and off I went.  I always loved this process of getting everything new.  Needless  to say I was way more excited about these supplies than he was : )
The smell of newly sharpened pencils reminds me of my elementary school days and the butterflies I would get in my tummy the night before the first day.  Who would I get for a teacher? Would my friends be in my class? Will it be hard? I was very shy and always seemed nervous about something.  I enjoyed the lunches my Dad would make me (always will a little chocolate treat of some kind in there ) and even though I hated clothes shopping, wearing a new outfit on the first day of school was exciting.  I can remember laying it out the night before, so it would be just right.  New school shoes, on the other hand, took a little longer to break in.   

I got all John's school shirts last week.  They are pressed and ready to go.  He's got his new shoes, belt, and pants - which are now at the tailors (aka - my mom's) getting hemmed.  As soon as we get back from vacation, I will be in full Fall mode.  I'm resisting the urge right now because we still have some summer left in us - but after Disney there is no holding back.  September and October are my favorite months.  Back to school means the leaves will start to turn and the nights will be cool.  The smell of wood burning in the air will drift in and out of the windows.  I love that smell.  I have visions of a pot of spaghetti sauce bubbling on the stove and fresh baked brownies made to pack in lunches.  There will be homework and activities and heavenly chaos. 
Third grade means we are moving up in the world.  Third grade is band (he plays drums) and he's finally old enough to join the jr. drama club which he's been waiting for since first grade.  Life as an 8 year old (he turns 8 on Sunday) can be pretty exciting! So much to learn and experience during these days.  My heart is full ♥
But before all this.....I must get packing. We are leaving on a 7 day road trip from Boston to Orlando and I haven't packed a thing.  So much to do! I've been waiting to take my little love to Disney since the day he was born.  It's finally happening!

Rob and I honeymooned in Disney in 1998 (wow) and went back to celebrate several anniversaries.  For a wedding gift I purchased him a brick on the walkway to the entrance of the Magic Kingdom. It has our names and anniversary date on it. I bought it via mail and shortly after I received a certificate and a map showing exactly where it was.  On our first day at the park it was so fun trying to find it.  Like a treasure hunt! Going to Disney without kids is amazing because there is so much there just for adults! This time we will be able to see Disney through a child's eyes and experience all his wonder and excitement. 
What a way to end the summer! I can hardly sleep ~

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