I wore this silk See by Chloé dress to do some wedding errand running with Chris. In truth, we were registering for wedding/shower gifts to assist our relatives. A nagging inner Emily Post wishes this practice was less standard wedding fare. And I do I have a few friends who have forgone the (relatively) traditional registry entirely in favor of a few more modern approaches.
These ran the gamut from 'donations to a charity in the name of,' to 'honeymoon activities websites,' to even more directly suggestive 'wedding paypal' accounts. But my parents claimed that family members would have been dissatisfied with any of those. My parents argued for practicality over risking quite a few miffed familial guests. It is standard fare in the wedding decorum of my family to give material gifts for a shower and monetary gifts for a wedding. Breeching such decorum, and forgoing the department store registry could have been interpreted as asking for money. Somehow suggesting the specific gifts we would like sits easier. Of those of you who had wedding celebrations, what did you do?
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