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Dying Light: The Following - Review and Best Easter Eggs

"I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe.  If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge in the other."
                ~ Mary Shelley's Frankenstein the Movie

Every zombie inspired game needs to pay ode to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein because she made the legend of re-animated corpses socially acceptable and profitable.  I like to do is be different from the other video game bloggers out there.  In order to do that, I like to provide different content from what else is on the market. Dying Light The Following is one of the recent AAA titles that was release on February 9, 2016 that I had a chance to play.

Overall, Dying Light: The Following is about Kyle Crane following a lead from a member of the Children of the Sun Cult known as the Faceless.  The lead is rumor about domesticate zombies and cult of villagers with an immunity to the zombie virus. With a low reserve on antizin at the base, Kyle goes to the nearby Harran countryside to see if the cult's cure is on the level the dying man said it was.

While searching for the cult, Kyle eventually runs into some needy villagers that want you to do missions for them in order to gain their trust.  Bandits have been raping, killing, and using the low wit villagers for entertainment during the outbreak, so the villagers trust levels are low for outsiders. Trust is big for the locals, and the more they trust you, the more they will help you or reveal information about the Faceless, Mother, and Children of the Sun.

Overall, the goal of Dying Light: The Following is to raise your trust level with the Children of the Sun.  As you gain the villagers and the Faceless trust, you gain new equipment such as a semi-automatic weapons, a dune buggy and a crossbow to assist you in your quest to restore peace and infrastructure to the countryside.  Once you have gained enough trust with the group, you will meet the leader of the cult known as Mother.

Mother will inform you that there was no real cure to the zombie outbreak/military experiment in Harran.  Mother will reveal to you that she was one of the original zombies that has evolved and can use mind control or telepathy on other zombies.  Mother used the pagan Children of the Sun religious beliefs of the villagers to rally them around her cause. In the end, she ask Crane to play God and destroy the world that exist or rebel against her. Either way, Crane must choose between taking away hope in a cure, a future or new beginning for all. Really powerful stuff.

Easter Eggs
While playing I notice a few Easters Eggs that I found quite interesting and I'm sure you will enjoy as well. I think developers tried to show in this expansion that even dwellers of the countryside enjoy and appreciate good movies from time to time.

1. Onur
He references one of the greatest lines in cinema history: The Room 2003
"I did not hit him, it's not true! It's total bullshit! I did not hit him! I did not. Oh hi, Crane"

The Room 2003: 
Johnny to Mark -  "It's not true! I did not hit her! It's bullshit! I did not. Oh, hi,Mark!

2. Harry Potter's Bedroom
Harry Potter's Bedroom can be found under the stairs.  Broom, wizard's hat and glasses included.

3. Lost TV series reference
"Not Lost: Just Exploring"

4. The remains of Indiana Jones
Explore the cave and you will discover the skeleton and whip of the archaeologist Indiana Jones.

5. A Van for Stuffed Turtle: Food & Stuff references the TV show Parks and Recreation

6. The Aftermath of a gang shootout references the No Country for Old Men

7. 15 Rocks can be placed on murals that light up at night.

Once you collect all the stones and bring them back to the room, you will be treated to a cut scene of a two chickens on a stick talking talking crazy to each other in a foreign language.  Eventually you are dropped off in a field and given 5 fission cores as a gift for the aliens night with you lol. 

Here is the link to finding the locations for finding the stones:

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