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Frugal Happenings 2/10

Good morning to all.  Here we are beginning another new week.
We sure have had  many seasons of weather this week!  We had 60's to single digits.  We had lots of rain, thunderstorms, tornadoes in some areas, snow and wind.  One day we dropped 46* in a few hours - crazy.  We ended up with a small lake in the back forty from all the rain - then temps dropped and poof - we had an ice rink!!!!!  LOL - that was a first.
I know I keep hearing "I'm so ready for spring" - I am too - but winter has not really been all that bad in our area.  We didn't even get nasty stuff until after Christmas - so I guess we were due.  Spring will  come when it's time.  Patience!!!!!!!

We have been enjoying all the squirrels again this week.  Also the birds!  We consistently have 10 pair of cardinals and 10 pair of sweet doves, at least a dozen squirrels at a time and woodpeckers of different types.  The hawk has shown up a couple days - boy that thing is huge!  I have seen neighborhood cats that I haven't seen in ages this week as well.  I am so glad to know they are OK.
Our back yard is quite a menagerie. of wildlife.  I love it!
OH, we had our first Robin of the year show up yesterday as well.  I know some areas have them all year round - but we don't.  I look so forward to that first sighting, because it generally means warmer weather is soon!!!  I looked out and there it sat drinking at the bird bath!

My frugal week:
  • I got to air out the house on four different days this week - with heat off!!!!!
  • Have been picking up sticks like crazy around the yard - FREE exercise
  • I went to WM and got canned cat food for the pantry.  I used $5 in coupons and also used a GC, so I got about $60 in canned food for FREE
  • Had to run to the feed store - I imagine I am good till at least April now
  • I then ran up to Kroger to get a couple of their weekend specials. (Yes, I shopped a bunch this week).  I got 5 packs smoked sausage for 1.88 each, I got 5 lbs. of butter at 1.99 ea.  I added coffee, tea bags, potatoes and onions to pantry.  Also found 10 lbs. of ground beef marked at 1.69 lb.  Got a few fresh veggies and got a great deal on cottage cheese.  It was on markdown for .69 carton!  G loves it and it is good for quite a while yet.  I will also make lasagna this week with some.  I got 8 cartons.  I used a $25 GC at Kroger - so got a bunch of groceries for FREE
                                                                Some of my deals!
  • Started working on my deep clean again
  • Came home from store and  G said he found an HP computer on sale and it sounded like what I need.  It was $200 off.  I said order it!  They wouldn't let us order on that price reduction - so I called the closest Office Depot and they had one.  I then made a trip I was expecting to, and got it!!!  EEK I got a new computer!!!!!!  I will be spending this week getting it up and running and trying to figure it out - it's Windows 10 and I AM NOT!!!!!!
  • I also purchased ink for printer while there - so as to be prepared for taxes.  They are almost complete.
  • All of the normal weekly cost saving activities
Meals this past week:
BBQ ribs and pizza rolls (super bowl tradition - even when not watching!)
Mushroom/Swiss burgers and home fries
Meatloaf (a small one), mashed potatoes and brown gravy (from pan drippings) and salad
Loaded baked potatoes and side salad
Goulash and salad
Fried cabbage/carrots/smoked sausage and mashed potatoes
Italian bread pizza (bread from freezer)

                                                   A pan of goulash - comfort food!

All leftovers were eaten at other meals.

I did spend a few dollars this week!  I guess I better stay home again for a while!!!
I did get the much needed computer, which is on my 2019 bucket list.  G will need one as well (his is older than mine).  I hope to get a new couch and I definitely need new glasses.  So there are a few expensive items on that list this year.  THAT is why I try to be frugal most of the time.  I can splurge now and then and it doesn't hurt quite so bad.

How was your week?  Did you get any frugal deals? 

Prayers for a great upcoming week for each of you.  Stay safe, warm, healthy and frugal my friends.
Blessings from our humble home to yours.

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