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Late Summer Stock Theatre

Bonjour Les Spectateurs!

Le Petit Théâtre de Chimères is back for a short play and you guessed it...it will be an interactive play which means that the last act will be up to one of you to complete! If you were following us back in the beginning of the year, you know that we had great success with La Diva, a black glove and champagne affair that ushered in the tale of a magnificent blue bird turned opera star.

Miss Bonnie from Diamonds and Daisies was the winner of the illustrious author's award and contributed to the final act of our play, but it was a tight race between her and three other wonderful and courageous writers: Cathy from A Bit of Blarney, The Dutchess from the Garden of the Dutchess and the marvelous Sherry from Edie Marie's Attic.

We will be back with the first act of "Good Night Sweet Prince" and until then, dust off your gowns, gloves and polish those tiaras; off to the theatre we go!

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