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 I got up early and went for a quick walk before we headed off to Jane's. I didn't see a lot. There were a couple of bluebirds flying close to the bird houses. No beavers swimming about. The lake is still mostly frozen. It was really quiet out. I didn't see any other people until I got back to the car park!

Here are a couple of phone photos from my walk.

The space in the top photo is the water the beavers keep free and clear. Usually there are several spots, but they seem to have only kept this one bit ice-free. As you can see from the second photo I got there early - before the sun had even risen properly! 

Jane's house - sigh. We started on the basement. There are so many bags full of boxes for ornaments in her Christmas room and boxes for the houses, trees and landscape in her Christmas village. She has a lot of Christmas items! In the basement she had a smaller Christmas tree with lighthouses on and another packed away with ornaments representing the Twelve Days of Christmas.

Those ornaments are my photo-a-day Phone Photo Things That Make Me Smile. MIL and I had a good laugh trying to remember what the twelve days of Christmas were and trying to work out which ornament went with which day. These ornaments are really beautiful.

Two of the five gold rings are missing. MIL said this would make a good mystery story lol. 

Tomorrow I have a couple of errands to do. I have a game to return (it has to go back to Amazon but can be dropped off at a local shop). I accidentally bought two of the same one for Christmas and have only now got around to returning it. I also have a couple of things to pick up from the grocery store - items I couldn't get earlier in the week.

I have a couple of regular household jobs to do and then I shall try to work on the cupboard in the dining room. I know there are things inside that I've been putting off getting rid of as I still like them, but I haven't used them and I want the room so it's time for a clear out!

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