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Sagittarius in Mass

We've got a slew of December birthdays in the family. Mine was yesterday, Son's is today. His dear wife's is the 19th and Grandson's is on the 21st. Yikes. That's a lot of candles between us.

Last Christmas I put together an album of all the holiday pictures. I have all the December holidays and birthdays now in one place.

That includes my precious collection of Santa photographs. That's today's birthday boy showing Santa how to lay his finger aside of his nose. Ahem...

 Santa pix were a big deal back in the day.

 The lines were long but the wait was worth it.

Here is birthday boy and the soon-to-be two year old birthday boy last Christmas. I'm still waiting for an official Santa pix of Grandson for my collection but until then this one will more than do. There's no better Santa than Daddy, is there?

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