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Two Years Later...

When considering my schedule for tomorrow (the actual two year anniversary of this blog) I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it on to write an anniversary post, which is what brings me in a day early. I'll keep it short and sweet and I really don't have anything special that I want to say.

The most important thing I want to say is "Thank You" - thank you to all of the forty-six followers who have been kind enough and apparently intrigued and interested enough to click the "Follow" button and take an interest in my ongoing journey through the pages of the "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die" 5th Edition book. Whether you agree or disagree with my taste in movies, it still means a lot to me that total strangers would take time out of their days and take a few minutes to peruse my posts. So thank you to all of you and a special thanks to those of you who make an extra effort to leave a comment or two - you know who you are.

I also want to thank Barron's Educational Series, yet again, for being generous enough to ship me out a review copy of their newest edition of the "1001" book. A special thanks to Eric, who upon reading my review of said book, complimented me on it.

Thank you to any and all fellow bloggers who have been generous enough to include me on their BlogRoll. I have returned the favor with the recent addition of a BlogRoll of my own. A very special thank you to Karen Burroughs Hannsberry, who was ready and set to collaborate on a special blog project with me. I also thank her for her understanding when I just needed a little break and hopefully when I'm up to it, we can bring that collaboration to you.

It's hard to believe that it's been two years since I wrote my initial post for this blog. 400 posts later and here I am, talking about my two year anniversary and proud of the fact that I've watched and written reviews for 328 of the 1001 films. Prior to this blog, I was always the guy who would get a brilliant idea, go at it full speed and then quit before it was finished. I always considered myself someone who never saw projects through to the end. I am very proud of this blog and also proud of the fact that I KNOW for a fact that someday this project will be finished. I know for a fact that I would never give up after coming this far and am excited to someday soon jump back in, head first, into the pages of the "1001" book and get crackin' once again.

I really don't know what else to write, so I guess we'll wrap it up on that note. Thanks again to everyone who has given me motivation, shown an interest and taken a minute or two out to read something that I've written. A thousand "thank you's" would never be enough to stress my appreciation. I'll be back soon and to the new followers of this blog, I hope you can find some interesting things to read, to hold you over until my eventual return. As always, keep commenting, as I check the blog on a daily basis and read all comments.

By the way, you can still catch me on a few of the social media outlets. Here's my info.

Twitter: @adduvall84
Check me out and add me as a friend on FaceBook, by clicking here, where I always post my most recent blog post and a few other thoughts about film and television, from time to time.

September 10, 2011 7:42pm

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