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Wrapping up customers house

How embarrassing.  I have been so busy with packing up the shop and other life issues that I never finished or posted this blog update.  This house was finished almost 2 months ago for a customer. The "before pics" were lost on old phone that died. So I only have these:

In Progress: adding siding
I never liked how you can see each siding seam
Multiple coats of paint help hide the worst seams, but I still see them

House in Progress
This little one (well, I guess she wasn't that little -- she has 10 rooms) was damaged in a basement flood and needed to have everything stripped/removed.  Then we sprayed everywhere with KillZ to inhibit mold growth.  Then we installed the siding, shingled, rewired, rewallpapered, and installed flooring throughout the house (except the brick in the "kitchen" which customer wanted to keep so it was not ripped out).  Here were the final pics:
House all finished
Front porch and lights

Interior is all wired and finished too
Fireplace is lit too
Dining room is a cozy room
Kitchen (foreground) and Parlor Entry room
Middle Floor bedroom
Hallway and bathroom behind the door...
Pretty wall sconces in the bathroom.
The bathroom once wall is opened (wall is on a hinge)
Middle Floor's other bedroom
Attic Hallway
Attic Nursery
Attic Room (I don't recall if it was a sewing room, girl's bedroom, or nanny's bedroom)
House was picked up around mid-December and a lucky young lady got a fabulous gift on Christmas!

The frantic packing at the shop is finally over; we still have many items left to sell (they are on sale! Stop by the shop to get great deals on what's left!  LOL) or I have to photograph and pack them up.  But the pace has slowed down now so maybe I'll get to work on my own projects.  Well, after I dismantle all the displays and shelves at the shop.  So far my parents, youngest daughter and I have demolished about 5.  Only about 65 more to go....

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