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Finals complete!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Welcome weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Nies have been taking finals all week and it's been a doozy!
They (we) are exhausted, and the old mom-bus has been wheels
 down almost every hour of the day as I drive
 to the school and back for testing times and study groups.
Also it should be noted that this final week will be the last that Claire 
will ever have in High School as she is D-O-N-E!
 (I feel super proud of her for finishing early
AND taking precalculus honors class).
I snapped this photo of Jane after she came home from 
her last final this afternoon and collapsed on the couch:
Tonight as I was looking through old photos I happened
 to come across a photo I had taken exactly one year ago today:
 Look familiar?  

We are also that pretty excited that this weekend 
could possibly bring some January weather. 
 I hear the high will be 43 tomorrow....yessssssssssss!!
* * * * *
I gave Mr. Nielson this amazing framed Book of Mormon poster 
for his birthday last year and 
it's one of our very favorite pieces of art!

It's the WHOLE BOOK OF MORMON printed on one poster.  
Did you hear me, I said THE WHOLE BOOK OF MORMON
all 531 pages in tiny text on one poster!
It's magnificent!
(you can use MYFRIENDS for 15% off yours)

Spiritual Enlightenment: Power to Overcome the Adversary
"My dear friends, please do not let anyone steal your happiness. 
Do not compare yourself to others. 
Please remember the loving words of the Savior: 
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: 
not as the world giveth, 
give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, 
neither let it be afraid.”

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