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Hakone Travel―Visiting Hakone Detached Palace Garden

Around Lake Ashinoko (芦ノ湖), the best views of the lake in combination with Mount Fuji can be enjoyed from:[1]
  1. Moto-Hakone (a few steps south from the sightseeing boat pier)
  2. Hakone Detached Palace Garden (or Onshihakone Park / 恩賜箱根公園)
  3. Sightseeing boats cruising the lake
In this article, we will cover Hakone Detached Palace Garden.  For other aspects of Lake Ashinoko, read [2,3] for more details.

Hakone Detached Palace Garden

Hakone Detached Palace Garden (or Onshihakone Park / 恩賜箱根公園) is the former imperial palace complex offering walking paths and an observation platform with scenic views of Lake Ashinoko, Hakone Shrine and Mount Fuji.

Photo Gallery

Below photos were taken on 11/21/2018, a rare sunny day:


  1. Lake Ashinoko
  2. Hakone Travel―Morning Stroll along Lake Ashinoko
  3. Hakone Hiking Trail―Hakone-jinja Shrine and Old Tokaido (東海道)
  4. Hakone Travel (Total 17 articles on this blogger)

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