This...Will be my new mini me! I have not yet recieved it thus it must be TOP SECRET! Why? Because I can! I did not make it or paint it, and yes it is a conversion. So who made the conversion? Who painted it for me? I am not telling yet!
I was supposed to make a battle report but I wanted the new model here to be part of it. Hmmm what then? Well after talking with Carl, Simon and Mathew we decided to introduce some more of the factions that now roam around Gravesend. Last battlereport you saw members of the 2 bikergangs. Next you will see #CENSORED# and #CENSORED# fighting it out over #CENSORED#.
A special mention goes to Vampifan.
He has had some surgery and I wish him a speedy recovery.
I am currently painting some survivors but not much to see right now. I am trying to get a bit more organized in my nerdstuff. Finding a couple of models that I completely forgot I had! And have decided that my Khador army for Warmachine will be sold off. Sometimes it is better to let go and get some space and cash...For other miniatures and terrain that you will use. Hehe....
Not my car! But the MG is a real beauty! Nor is the Ferrari in the background. We had these two cars as "eyecatchers" in front of the store that I am a manager. A special event with a lot taking place including music, acrobatics, clowns, special offers from all the stores and so much more.
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