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Oh Sunday Sunday

Welcome fellow felines and here we go! I have finally managed to get my head around the beginnings of my first Blog. It's been very much a case of trial and failure error and I am now getting excited about the beginning of a new passion as a blogger.....
I guess I have created this blog in order to get to know myself better, share thoughts, ideas, and also connect with others around the world.

Drawing on some famous words of Marilyn I hope this blog to be a place where honesty is key and positive thoughts will follow. I find it only fitting that I write my FIRST official blog post from the heart of all places - my place of birth and rural hometown! I'm currently here for a few days to visit my parents and I am tomorrow heading back to "the big smoke" - city life. I miss the country lifestyle already :(

Oh how I LOVE my Sunday's! My ideal Sunday is to be enjoyed with a cup of tea, some chilled music softly playing in the background. What's your ideal Sunday look like?
Isn't life grand!

- X. K.

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