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Sunday night roleplay prep

Pathfinder RPG prep

So I've finally finished all the spring cleaning after hiring a van and removing practically a metric ton of crap from my house and cellar and that's pretty much my entire spring break gone.

I've got all my hobby room sorted out and finally sat down to relax for the evening and get on with something, tonight it's prep work for my Monday role-playing group. A little while back I started running the Rise of the Runelords campaign for the Pathfinder RPG, but had to put it on hold while I got on with things around my home.

It just dawned on me while I was sat here scribbling notes, that I mainly post about miniatures and wargaming on my blog, even though I play RPG's a lot more than I get to push miniatures around a battlefield these days.

And it got me wondering about you, my followers.

I know many of you are into miniatures and wargaming, but how many of you are roleplayers too?

Are you in a RPG group at the moment?

If you are, what are you playing right now?

What do you want to be playing?

Consider my curiosity piqued, let me know in the comments below.

Now my hobby room is set up there will be more updates of me pushing putty and slapping paint on miniatures very soon.

Until then, take care.

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