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The Famous Five

Last night was supposed to be the next round of the club's 40K challenge. The C&F boys did pretty well in the preliminary rounds with Darren finishing top with maximum points and Mick finishing 3rd. I finished 11th, a point ahead of Andy and Graham managed a big win in his penultimate game to avoid finishing last. For the next round, everyone has been paired against two players from their half of the final table. Then the players with the most points will go through to straight knock-out. It's also being extended to 1500 points with no FOC restrictions. Darren and Mick are both playing against Graham W's IG (after both playing him in the preliminaries) Meanwhile I'm playing against Daryl's Daemons and Steve's Necrons. Now, the plan is for my 1500 points list is to be the basis for my next 1750 point tournament list. I was pretty happy with my 1000 point list and after last weekend, I really wanted to fit another Rune Priest in so here's what I came up with:

Rune Priest, Chooser of the Slain, Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane

Rune Priest, Chooser of the Slain, Terminator Armour, Saga of the Beastslayer, Living Lightning, Jaws of the World Wolf

Wolf Guard, Combi-Melta, Power Weapon
Wolf Guard, Combi-Melta, Power Fist
Wolf Guard, Combi-Melta, Power Fist
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armour, Combi-Melta
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armour, Combi-Melta
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armour, Combi-Melta, Chainfist
Wolf Guard, Terminator Armour, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Drop Pod

5 Wolf Scouts, Meltagun

8 Grey Hunters, Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Rhino

9 Grey Hunters, Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Rhino

Land Speeder, Multimelta, Heavy Flamer

Land Speeder, Multimelta, Heavy Flamer

6 Long Fangs, 4 Rocket Launchers, Lascannon

6 Long Fangs, 4 Rocket Launchers, Lascannon

In general, the Terminator boys go in the Pod, the Power Weapon WG goes with the Scouts and the two Power Fist guys go with the Grey Hunters. Of course, one of the best things is that you have a lot of flexibility when it comes to deployment. The Cyclone Missile Launcher WG can go with the Long Fangs for example.

However, due to the weather, only 5 people turned up at the club this week. Darren and Graham played their 2nd round match with Darren's Grotz getting him the win. Meanwhile Steve, Dave and myself played a three way Kill Point game. After the weekend, it was really nice just to be playing for fun. We used the rules from the BRB whereby if you go first in one round you go last in the next and the other two players dice off to go first. Steve's Necrons proved just as hard to put down as they normally are (bloody Resurrection Orb!) and we all seemed to have an alliance with each other for at least one point during the game.

With regard to the list, the Drop Podding Jaws of the World Wolf took down quite a few Necron Immortals but the Wolf Guard Terminators didn't really do that much (although they weren't helped by the fact that I kept failing 2+ armour saves!) In future I might just leave them on the board and walk in some games (for example where there isn't any AV13 or AV14 to take out with their Combi-Meltas) Having said that, I've only got about 6 weeks until my next tournament so I'm not sure if I'll have time to model the Combi weapons and paint up the Terminators. Having said that, if they do really well in the next couple of weeks maybe I'll find the time...

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