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The toup timeline.

There is an interesting discussion at the Star Trek fan message-board Trek BBS called "Is Shatner Really Bald?" Link here. On page 3 of the discussion, user "Adm Drake" claims that:

"Shatner went through various pieces over the years, waring [sic] a top piece in the first two Star Trek movies. He switched to a full piece by the time Star Trek III was filmed. By the time of Trek IV, he was wearing a weave which is simply a wig sewn into the existing hair to keep it more secure. Shatner ditched the wig in favor of a transplant done in 1999."

Another user "Therin of Andor" mentions that:

Interviews from the 60s with makeup artist, Fred Phillips, mentioned that, to save the stupidity of Phillips having to apply a bald cap over a toupee for the final stage of Shatner's "The Deadly Years" makeup, Shatner simply whipped off the toupee."

These posts are very interesting, but sadly lack sources/citation. We would love to have the source for the latter interview as well as some idea of where "Adm Drake" got his impressive latter-years toup timeline from.

If anyone out there has these, please let us know.
Some other great finds would be a Joan Collins television interview in which she described Bill Shatner's baldness, and a radio interview done a few years before even Shatner stopped playing hardball about his toup wearing - in the interview, he was asked if he wore a toupee and became very agitated at the questioner. Are these things out there somewhere? Shatner toup fans, please help us if you can.

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