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Metal Soldiers for Frostgrave

So here we have some metal Northstar miniatures.  It interesting that they make a high quality plastic box to pretty much make the bulk of the basic soldier types, then they have all these different metal blister packs for specific types of soldiers.

Here is the Knight....

Here is the templar

And finally we have one of the many captains....

and here is all 3 together

So there you have it.  The knight was an interesting model to paint.  I used one of my space wolf transfers for the icon on the shield.  I think I should've probably used a lighter color as the black doesn't really stand out against the dark purple.  Also the wooden pattern on the inside of the shield was all free-hand due to it just being a smooth surface.  The captain's face was really bad (hence the angle I put him at in the pictures).  Half of his face was higher than the other half, and there really is no way to fix that.

Anyhew, that's it for now.

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